Its a New Year: New You? Again?

I usually  say that making New Year’s resolutions are silly because we say the same thing over and over, but never follow through.  Yes, I am including myself in this.  You know the resolutions we make: I will become fine by next year by losing 80lbs, I will stop drinking, I will stop eating junk food, I will not eat meat, I will own my own business, I will own my own home.  That’s just a few of the resolutions we tend to make. However, in the last couple of years, I have begun to do something a little different. I started making  goals for myself. Some of the goals are short term and some are long term goals that may not be attained within that particular year. The goal could be something that leads to a long term goal. For example, if I wanted to own my own home, I might say that my goal is to communicate with the credit bureau and work on cleaning up my credit. I may say, I will begin putting money in an account that cannot be easily withdrawn from so that I can save up my down payment. Those short term goals, lead to the long term goal of owning my own home.  So this method is something I like to utilize because it allows me to move towards something that I really want to do.

Vision boards are also something that I think are great and very positive. They are very popular these days.  My daughter (age 20) and her friends planned a Vision Board Party. They  decorated their boards and placed things on the board that showed examples of what they want to attain in the future.  About a year ago, myself and the kids, did our own Vision boards. We didn’t do one last year , however, we all looked at our boards and revisited them to see if we were going in the direction of what we noted on our boards. I realized that many of the things on my board I was definitely working toward. For example, I put that I wanted to be healthy and exercise more. I realized that over the last couple of years  I have worked out and walked consistently. I walked or worked out about four times a week and sometimes five. It has become habit to me.  Also,I  ate healthier for the most part. Yes, I had some not so good days of eating, but I definitely ate more healthy meals than not healthy.  I also put a picture of an airplane on my board because I had never flown. This past summer, our family flew for the first time. We flew to Orlando Florida for summer vacation. So I think Vision boards definitely give you direction and help you to focus. I was so proud of what I had accomplished and I want to continue with my goals and continue working on what I want to attain as it pertains to my Vision board. Okay so what are my goals for the new year? Stay tuned for the next blog post. Share your ideas on New Year’s resolutions, goals, or Vision Boards.
